Casey Killingsworth

Big idea
I would have loved to have been bitten in the ass by fame.
And money of course. I would have loved to maintain
my humble self, sprinkling a little of my wealth to others,
would have maybe even bought you a Corvette.
That big idea used to grip me as I sat around
poor and needy and ego famished.
Now here I am, staring at this brush fire
I built to clean up the yard,
listening to the rain touching down. And
I think I might have right here perfect synergy,
cold rain cooling the heat of the fire and the heat
warming my face back up,
two sort-of-healthy kids, a beer under my belt
and if you say that’s just sour grapes because I never
got famous, maybe you should come sit
right here right next to me and hear this rain,
feel this fire.
Casey Killingsworth has been published in numerous journals including The American Journal of Poetry, Better Than Starbucks, The Moth, and 3rd Wednesday. He is the author of A nest blew down (Kelsay Books, 2021), and a new collection, Freak show (Fernwood Press), arrived in June 2024.