Hari B Parisi

In the Background a Goat Bleats Shrilly
My son stopped by earlier.
He’s going up in the hills to scout sites
for a birding gaggle
that’s heading out early Saturday,
when the sun is supposed to show,
after days on end of gray.
I’ve been housesitting at a friend’s
place in the country—
let the hens out of the coop
a couple of hours ago to eat bugs,
scratch and peck,
which makes them happy,
as happy as chickens can be, I suppose.
Hanging from his neck will be
his binoculars, camera.
His eyes will focus upward,
note any sightings:
date, time, location, species, color, sounds,
more specs that I’ve no clue about.
The sky to the north is darkening—
better get the chickens in,
get myself in.
I hope he’s got a raincoat.
Hari B Parisi’s (formerly Hari Bhajan Khalsa) poems have been published in numerous journals, most recently in The Blood Pudding and Black Fox Literary Magazine. She is the author of three volumes of poetry, including She Speaks to the Birds at Night While They Sleep, winner of the 2020 Tebot Bach Clockwise Chapbook Contest. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband.